Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is a 2nd year going into with mother, I know now more then anyone she is looking out for me.. and she is proud of whatever i do in this life. miss her hugs alots of hugs my wounderful mom thanks for rancing me the way that you did to enjoy life with family and freinds and to do the best that we can while we are here.. Happy new yr to everyone 2011.. here we come start over.. well, wish everyone the best year yet.. we will make it thought this nexts one it does get easyer some days then others.. Happy new year to my old friends and new once as well.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you too my friend!! As I was going through my blog, I realized how much you guys are apart of my blog. But it only makes sense because you are such a huge part of my life! xoxoxo Good job bloggin'!
